This page desperately needs updating, as it still says 35mm cameras
are preferred over digital ones.
Yes this may have been true some years back (remember when a
640x480 cam cost $600+ and weighed 500g ?), but now, a digital
cam is an excellent choice, and a better one in my personal opinion...
I use a Canon
S100, and although it is not the BEST resolution and the BEST
picture quality; it is small, and very robustly built. A 'compact
flash' card nowadays is available in 128mb or 256mb (and bigger)
for not that much money at all, so you therefore can store many,
many images. One possible problem with the S100 is its relatively
short battery life. Something that has to be addressed for a
long hike.
Did I mention it's robust? The picture quality is quite good,
but if you a really looking for a GREAT quality, a camera with
a bigger lens is a must, such as a Canon G1 or G2. (Sorry, I
favor Canon, it's a personal thing! ;-)
18 October 2003
photos along a hike can be very rewarding, especially when viewing
them at a later date to remember the good (and bad) times on
the trail, friends one met, animals one observed, etc., or to
show them to friends and family. |
the 'right' camera is the first step in realising this reward.
Ultralight hiking and photography do go together, although a
compromise in picture quality is somewhat necessary. |
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There are two basic
camera types available: traditional film cameras, and digital
- 1) Film Cameras:
The quality with the traditional
film cameras is dependent on: a) the size of the film
being exposed; b) the quality of the camera itself (especially
the lens), and; c) the quality of the film being exposed.
The best picture quality is achieved with a large format camera
(e.g. 4.5x6 cm and up); these are used by professional photographers.
The most widely available film size is 35 mm. The camera selection
for the 35 mm format size is also the largest.
A new film size is the APS (or Advanced Photo System). This APS
system allows three different picture sizes, including Panorama.
The 110 format was a very popular format in the 70s and is still
available today, although only a few cameras still use this film
size. The so-called spy camera uses a tiny film size of 8x11mm;
this one has been around for a long time, and is almost (but
not quite) exclusive to the MINOX company.
As a general rule one could say that the smaller the film size,
the smaller and lighter the camera can be made. So, for the ultralight
hiker, a smaller-format camera is the way to go. Now, one has
to decide how small, for what cost, and with what picture quality
it's a trade off!
- 2) Digital Cameras:
The newer digital cameras
are getting smaller, cheaper and better. The quality of the picture
is given by the amount of picture pixels (or resolution).
A digital camera capable of 640x480 resolution will not produce
as good as pictures with 1280x960 pixels. The more pixels the
more memory is taken up in the camera, because the picture file
becomes larger. Some digital cameras use fixed in-camera memory
to store the pictures; others use swapable disks or memory cards.
Generally speaking the more you pay and the newer the camera,
the better the picture quality and the more pictures can be stored.
Which one of the two
is better? Who knows? There are lots of pros and cons for both
types. I personally think that the film camera is still superior
to the digital camera in regards to weight, picture quality &
price. The digitals are catching up though!
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There are
many different sizes available; many, many, many. This lists
only a few commonly available ones. If you think we're discriminating
by not including your favourite format, then please let us know
by e-mail, and we'll include it here.
Some common film sizes follow.
Film Format / Size Comparison |
Size: |
Name: |
110 |
mm |
4.5x6 |
Actual Image Size: |
8x11mm |
13x17mm |
16.7x30.2mm |
24x36mm |
41x56mm |
in %:
to 35mm) |
10% |
26% |
58% |
100% |
266% |
Remarks: |
The Spy Camera |
The 70s Hit |
The New One, with neat
features |
Most Popular |
High quality, high price,
and heavy |
APS: Advanced Photo System allows to just
drop in the film cartridge. The film cartridge itself displays
whether the film is exposed or not. This is pretty handy if you
find the cartridge at a later date and can't remember if exposed
or not. This film allows for panoramic photos to be taken, but
keep in mind that the negative remains at 16.7 x 30.2 mm; and
that the photo size is a matter off cropping. There are three
different sizes selectable on the camera (normally): standard
(C), wide (H) and Panoramic (P). Only the wide or (H) setting
allows for maximum negative size utilisation. You can take pictures
only in this format, and cut up the photos yourself once you
see them in print. The enlargements made automatically in the
panoramic (P) setting are almost too big for the camera and film
quality, unless you have a top-of the-line-camera.
mm: Most
35mm cameras, especially the SLR's are too bulky and heavy for
ultralight hiking. However, there are very good and very light
compact 35mm cameras available at a reasonable price.
note: Beware of some Mail Order Processing
companies. They will offer you 'free' 35mm film, as long as you
have them developed in their laboratory. This film is sometimes
taken from cinema film stock, which is a lower grade product.
Although they will normally develop and make prints off your
regular films (Kodak, Fuji, etc.) with good results, you should
try and avoid the 'cinema film', because normal film processors
will not be able to develop these films at all! To make sure
you are using normal 35mm photo film, check to see if you can
find 'Process C-41' on the packaging.
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More stuff to consider... |
or Print?
Another consideration
will be: slides or prints. This will normally be pre-determined
by your photographical habits in the past. For new-comers to
photography, regular colour print film is advisable. As a basic
rule of thumb, one could say that a slide film is only suitable
if slide presentations are going to be made, or the pictures
are going to be enlarged (slide film gives better contrast).
film works best?
There are a few
main suppliers of film, most of which are good. I'm not going
to go into photography here any more, but a Kodak Gold is an
always-good choice. Fuji makes good film too. A ISO100 film gives
best detail, but only if you have good light. An ISO200 is a
good all rounder. To take photos of non-moving objects in low
light consider a lightweight tripod. Black & white film gives
some nice variations in picture taking. The ultralight hiker
will choose the most pictures per cartridge, e.g. 36 pictures
for a 35 mm film and 40 for a APS film, etc.
Most cameras nowadays
use lithium batteries.
These are relatively expensive, but worth it. It's extremely
important to make sure a spare battery unit is available. Depending
on how many pictures you take, and on your camera, you might
find yourself changing batteries for every 100 photos you take!
A self-timer is
a nice feature to have, since it allows for 'self-portraits'.
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Ultralight Hiking Cameras |
The ideal
hiking camera should be very light, strong & easy to use;
produce good pictures (in print or slides); be waterproof or water
have a built in flash, and a self timer, and be reasonably priced.
Based on all of that, the following cameras and accessories come
to mind. If you know others, please let us know.
not all of these cameras meet all of the above criteria.
Item |
Picture |
Type |
Weight |
Rating |
Remarks |
Sharp VE-LC1 |
Digital |
263.1 g
9.28 oz |
Not good enough quality for landscapes. Too heavy. |
Olympus Stylus Epic 170.4
g (6.01oz), including film & battery! (no lanyard), weatherproof! |
35mm Film |
170.4 g
6.01 oz |
One of the best! |
Yashica T4 Super, or T5,
weatherproof! |
35mm Film |
190 g
6.7 oz |
One of the best! |
Fujifilm SMART Quicksnap SUPER
SLIM one-time use 25 exposures (41.0 g !!) |
Film |
41.0 g
1.44 oz |
Must be the lightest camera available! |
Kodac ADVANTIX 3200AF |
Film |
193.4 g
6.82 oz |
Nothing special. |
Canon EOS 850 SLR, 50mm lens |
35mm Film |
780 g
27.5 oz |
Lovely camera, but just not an ultralight item! |
Mini - Tripod |
- - - |
76.7 g
2.71 oz |
Light for a tripod, but still: 2.7 oz extra weight! |
TO COME.... |
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Last updated: 19 October 2003